Source code for proteuslib.edb.db_api

# ProteusLib Copyright (c) 2021, The Regents of the University of California,
# through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National
# Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and National Energy
# Technology Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from
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Database operations API

# stdlib
import logging
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

# third-party
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure

# package
from .data_model import Result, Component, Reaction, Base, DataWrapper

__author__ = "Dan Gunter (LBNL)"

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ElectrolyteDB: """Interface to the Electrolyte database. This uses MongoDB as the underlying data store. """ DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost" DEFAULT_PORT = 27017 DEFAULT_URL = f"mongodb://{DEFAULT_HOST}:{DEFAULT_PORT}" DEFAULT_DB = "electrolytedb" # Default timeout, in ms, for sockets, connections, and server selection timeout_ms = 5000 # make sure these match lowercase names of the DataWrapper subclasses in # the `data_model` module _known_collections = ("base", "component", "reaction") def __init__(self, url=DEFAULT_URL, db=DEFAULT_DB): self._client = MongoClient(host=url) self._db = getattr(self._client, db) self._database_name = db self._server_url = url
[docs] @staticmethod def drop_database(url, db): """Drop a database. Args: url: MongoDB server URL db: Database name Returns: None Raises: anything pymongo.MongoClient() can raise """ client = MongoClient(host=url) client.drop_database(db)
@classmethod def can_connect(cls, host=None, port=None, **kwargs): result = True if host is None: host = cls.DEFAULT_HOST if port is None: port = cls.DEFAULT_PORT # add timeouts (probably shorter than defaults) timeout_args = { "socketTimeoutMS": cls.timeout_ms, "connectTimeoutMS": cls.timeout_ms, "serverSelectionTimeoutMS": cls.timeout_ms, } kwargs.update(timeout_args) client = MongoClient(host=host, port=port, **kwargs) # This approach is taken directly from MongoClient docstring -dang try: # The ismaster command is cheap and does not require auth. client.admin.command("ismaster") _log.debug(f"MongoDB server at {host}:{port} is available") except ConnectionFailure: _log.error(f"MongoDB server at {host}:{port} is NOT available") result = False return result @property def database(self): return self._database_name @property def url(self): return self._server_url
[docs] def get_components( self, component_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, element_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Result: """Get thermodynamic information for components of reactions. Args: component_names: List of component names element_names: List of element names (ignored if component_names is given) Returns: All components matching the criteria (or all if none specified) """ collection = self._db.component if component_names: query = {"$or": [{"name": n} for n in component_names]} _log.debug(f"get_components. components={component_names} query={query}") it = collection.find(filter=query) elif element_names: elt_set, elt_list = set(element_names), list(element_names) # Find all components with at least one of the specified elements, # then filter results to include only components where the elements # are a subset of the specified elements (i.e., no 'other' elements). it = ( doc for doc in collection.find({"elements": {"$in": elt_list}}) if set(doc["elements"]) <= elt_set ) else: _log.debug(f"get_components. get all components (empty query)") it = collection.find(filter={}) result = Result(iterator=it, item_class=Component) return result
[docs] def get_reactions( self, component_names: Optional[List] = None, phases: Union[List[str], str] = None, any_components: bool = False, reaction_names: Optional[List] = None, ) -> Result: """Get reaction information. Args: component_names: List of component names phases: Phase(s) to include; if not given allow any. Currently implemented only when `any_components` is False. any_components: If False, the default, only return reactions where one side of the reaction has all components provided. If true, return the (potentially larger) set of reactions where any of the components listed are present. reaction_names: List of reaction names instead of component names Returns: All reactions containing any of the names (or all reactions, if not specified) """ collection = self._db.reaction if component_names: found = [] if phases is None: allow_phases = None elif isinstance(phases, str): allow_phases = {phases} else: allow_phases = set(phases) # build a set of normalized component names cnames = {c.replace(" ", "_") for c in component_names} _log.debug(f"Get reaction with {'any' if any_components else 'all'} " f"components {cnames}") # Brute force table scan: need to restructure DB for this to be # easy to do with a MongoDB query, i.e. need to put all the # *keys* for stoichiometry.Liq as *values* in an array, then do a: # {$not: {$elemMatch: { $nin: [<components>] } } } on that array stoich_field = Reaction.NAMES.stoich for item in collection.find(): for phase in item[stoich_field].keys(): if allow_phases is not None and phase not in allow_phases: continue stoich = item[stoich_field][phase] if any_components: # look for non-empty intersection if set(stoich.keys()) & cnames: found.append(item) else: # ok if it matches both sides if set(stoich.keys()) == cnames: found.append(item) # also ok if it matches everything on one side else: for side in -1, 1: side_keys = (k for k, v in stoich.items() if v == side) if set(side_keys) == cnames: found.append(item) break # found; stop it = iter(found) elif reaction_names: query = {"name": {"$in": reaction_names}} _log.debug(f"reaction query: {query}") it = collection.find(filter=query) else: it = collection.find() return Result(iterator=it, item_class=Reaction)
[docs] def get_base(self, name: str = None) -> Result: """Get base information by name of its type.""" if name: query = {"name": name} else: query = {} collection = self._db.base result = Result(iterator=collection.find(filter=query), item_class=Base) return result
def get_one_base(self, *args): for result in self.get_base(*args): return result
[docs] def load( self, data: Union[Dict, List[Dict], DataWrapper, List[DataWrapper]], rec_type: str = "base", ) -> int: """Load a single record or list of records. Args: data: Data to load, as a single or list of dictionaries or :class:`DataWrapper` subclass rec_type: If input is a dict, the type of record. This argument is ignored if the input is a subclass of DataWrapper. Returns: Number of records loaded """ is_object = False if isinstance(data, DataWrapper): data = [data] is_object = True elif isinstance(data, dict): data = [data] else: is_object = isinstance(data[0], DataWrapper) if is_object: rec_type = data[0].__class__.__name__.lower() else: assert rec_type in self._known_collections num = 0 for item in data: coll = getattr(self._db, rec_type) record = item.json_data if is_object else item coll.insert_one(self.preprocess_record(record, rec_type)) num += 1 return num
# XXX: This preprocessing overlaps with data_model.DataWrapper subclasses. # XXX: It should all be moved to one place @classmethod def preprocess_record(cls, record, rec_type): process_func = getattr(cls, f"_process_{rec_type}") return process_func(record) @staticmethod def _process_component(rec): rec["elements"] = get_elements([rec["name"]]) return rec @staticmethod def _process_reaction(rec): rec["reactant_elements"] = get_elements(rec["components"]) return rec @staticmethod def _process_base(rec): return rec @staticmethod def _process_species(s): """Make species match""" m = re.match(r"([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*(\d*[\-+])?", s) if m is None: raise ValueError(f"Bad species: {s}") symbols, input_charge = m.groups() if input_charge is None: charge = "" elif len(input_charge) > 1: # make 2+ -> +2 num = input_charge[:-1] sign = input_charge[-1] charge = f"{sign}{num}" else: charge = input_charge # print(f"{s} -> {symbols}{charge}") return f"{symbols}{charge}"
def get_elements(components): elements = set() for comp in components: # print(f"Get elements from: {comp}") for m in re.finditer(r"[A-Z][a-z]?", comp): element = comp[m.start() : m.end()] if element[0] == "K" and len(element) > 1: pass else: elements.add(element) return list(elements)