How to use the Electrolyte Database (EDB)

For information on how to install and set up the EDB, see Installing the Electrolyte Database (EDB).

EDB examples

edb command-line program

Below are some examples of using the edb command-line program.

➢ Load records from reaction.json into the reaction collection in the test database:

edb load -f reaction.json -t reaction -d test

➢ Dump the contents of the base collection from the edb database into the file data/base.json:

edb dump -t base -d edb -f data/base.json

➢ Print the raw JSON-Schema for the component collection records to the screen:

edb schema -t component -o json

➢ Document the schema of the component collection records with an interactive web page stored at ./docs/schemas/edb_component_schema.html. Supporting files will also be added in the same directory:

edb schema -t component -f ./docs/schemas/edb_component_schema.html -o html-js